[BuildTools-tickets] [BuildTools] #64: improve capability to use precompiled MUMPS library

BuildTools coin-trac at coin-or.org
Sat Mar 29 12:28:19 EDT 2008

#64: improve capability to use precompiled MUMPS library
Reporter:  stefan       |       Owner:  andreasw           
    Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new                
Priority:  major        |   Component:  configuration tests
 Version:  0.5          |    Keywords:                     

 the current way to provide a user-compiled MUMPS library is to specify a
 directory via {{{--with-mumps-dir}}}. Then the build system assumes to
 find the MUMPS header files there and the  libraries
 {{{$mumps_dir/lib/libdmumps.$libe}}}, {{{$mumps_dir/lib/libpord.$libe}}},
 This probably works fine if MUMPS had been compiled with the MUMPS

 However, in case that one has a mumps library (maybe as one instead of
 three files as produced by !ThirdParty/Mumps) and header files in other
 locations, it seem to be extremly difficult to make Ipopt use this
 For other 3rd party codes, one can specify the link line and include flags
 via {{{--with-PROJ-lib}}} and {{{--with-PROJ-incdir}}}. This seem to offer
 more flexibility.
 Further, a {{{--with-mumps-lib}}} would allow to specify mumps-library-
 specific linking flags, e.g., in case that fortran runtime libraries from
 a different compiler are needed.

 Finally, having also a {{{--enable-mumps-libcheck}}} option would be
 great, since it allows to build an Ipopt library that includes a Mumps
 interface without having the MUMPS library actually present or linking.

 Thank you,

Ticket URL: <https://projects.coin-or.org/BuildTools/ticket/64>
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Tools for configuring and compiling COIN-OR codes

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