[BCP] CoinError after "LP: Returned children to TM. Waiting for new node."

Michael Poss mposs at ulb.ac.be
Fri Jan 22 05:36:17 EST 2010

Hi all,

I'm writing a branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm with BCP.
My problem has two sets of variables : x variables (core variables,
binary), and f (algorithmic variables, real).
Then, I generate the f-variables through column generation and branch
on the x-variables, so that I did not modify the branching procedure.

Here is my problem.
The algorithms adds cuts and variables, and branches correctly a few
times. Eventually, while trying to branch, the following happens:

LP: Default select_branching_candidates() executed.

LP: Starting strong branching:

LP:   Presolving: (3,0.5799,100.0000 /  ) [2663.6553,2,3] [3316.9006,64,2]
LP: Default compare_presolved_branching_objects() executed.
LP:   Deleting 7 rows from the matrix.
LP: Default set_actions_for_children() executed.

LP:   SB selected candidate 0 out of 1.

LP:   The selected object is: (3,0.5799,100.0000 /  ) [2663.6553,2,3] [2622.6500
LP: Default set_user_data_for_children() executed.
LP node written in file lpnode.lp
LP:   Returned children to TM. Waiting for new node.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CoinError'

Any help would be very welcome.


Michael Poss.

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