[BCP] Difficults with cuts in branching

Carlos Eduardo de Andrade ce.andrade at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 15:29:03 EST 2009

Hello people,

I'm having some problem with cuts generated in
select_branching_candidates() phase. Suddenly, code breaks in
segmentation fault. I tried to trace some possible cause with gdb and

witth some optmizations in Paramfile
--> SPP_lp::set_user_data_for_children()
TM: var in node description is neither local nor remote.
==12534== Process terminating with default action of signal 6 (SIGABRT)
==12534==    at 0x4000882: (within /lib/ld-2.6.1.so)
==12534==    by 0x40C536D: BCP_tm_node_to_send::send()
==12534==    by 0x40E1352: BCP_tm_start_one_node(BCP_tm_prob&)
*** glibc detected *** ./spp: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x081cb8a0 ***

witth some degub infos in Paramfile
--> SPP_lp::set_user_data_for_children()
LP: Default prepare_for_optimization() executed.
LP:   Returned children to TM. Waiting for new node.
==12624== Invalid write of size 4
==12624==    at 0x40F7337:
BCP_obj_set_change::update(BCP_obj_set_change const&)
==12624==    by 0x40C510B: BCP_tm_node_to_send::send()
*** glibc detected *** ./spp: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x081f4068 ***

There, I created one cut to be applied in one of chlid node (affect
it). My  select_branching_candidates() code is

//---------- BEGIN CODE ----------//
    // Then we create the cuts to the children nodes, based in branching items
    BCP_vec< BCP_cut* > new_cuts(1, new SPP_cut(item_l, item_m));

    // We create the indices to cuts
    BCP_vec< int > cut_indices(1, -1);  // <<<<<<<<< HERE, I DON'T NOW

    // The bounds vector contains the lower and upper bounds of all children
    // This explains your size (new_cuts.size() * 2 "bounds" * 2 "children")
    BCP_vec< double > cut_bounds(new_cuts.size() * 4);

    // Left child
    cut_bounds[0] = - SPP_cut::infinity;
    cut_bounds[1] = SPP_cut::infinity;

    // Right child
    cut_bounds[2] = cut_bounds[3] = 0.0;

    // Create a new branch object.
        new BCP_lp_branching_object(2,               // number of children
                                    0,               // new vars
                                    &new_cuts,       // New cuts
                                    &var_indices,    // indices for vars
                                    &cut_indices,    // indices for cuts
                                    &var_bounds,     // bounds for vars
                                    &cut_bounds,     // bounds for cuts
                                    0, 0, 0, 0));
//---------- END CODE ----------//

I think that my cuts_to_rows() and vars_to_cols() are corretly.  I
always use the bcpind() method to get the index from vars and cuts. Is
this right way?

My real doubt is know-how set the cuts in braching phase corretly. I
think this is the problem.

Thank you and regards,


Carlos Eduardo de Andrade
Algorithms and Programming, Operation Systems
Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology Southern of
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Home: www.eafi.gov.br/~andrade
Phone/Fax: +55 35 3464 1200

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