[BCP] Error on generating columns

Carlos Eduardo de Andrade ce.andrade at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 13:29:55 EST 2009

Hello colleges,

For several weeks, I have been tried debug my code, and something
strange is happening:

LP:   Returned children to TM. Waiting for new node.
TM: var in node description is neither local nor remote.

Scrutinizing the BCP code, this error occurs when variables exist but
not in node. Can someone explain to me what this mean, please?

Thank you very much, my regards,


Carlos Eduardo de Andrade
Algorithms and Programming, Operation Systems
Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology Southern of
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Home: www.eafi.gov.br/~andrade
Phone/Fax: +55 35 3464 1200

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