<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Sans; font-size: medium; "><pre>I ran valgrind with the options you suggested. I am attaching the txt report generated. There seems to be pointed to some leaks. Let me know what you think.</pre>
<pre>Thanks,</pre><pre>Rishi</pre><pre><br></pre><pre><br></pre><pre>As on 2010-09-08 20:29, Rishi Amrit did write:</pre><pre>><i> On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Rishi Amrit <<a href="http://list.coin-or.org/mailman/listinfo/adol-c">amrit at wisc.edu</a>
</i>><i> <mailto:<a href="http://list.coin-or.org/mailman/listinfo/adol-c">amrit at wisc.edu</a>>> wrote:
</i>><i> Hi,
</i>><i> I am using ADOLC to compute sparse jacobian and hessian for
</i>><i> solving an optimization problem using IPOPT nlp solver. As required,
</i>><i> I first create tapes and generate the sparsity patters using
</i>><i> spase_jac and sparse_hess with repeat argument as 0. Then when IPOPT
</i>><i> calls the ADOLC function to evaulate the jacobian and hessian at its
</i>><i> iterates, I call sparse_jac and sparse_hess with repeat=1, reusing
</i>><i> the sparsity pattern computed initialy. Once the optimization is
</i>><i> completed, I free up the rind, cind, jacval and hessval variables as
</i>><i> required and the function terminates. Now I'm calling this function
</i>><i> from octave. When I call the function again with different
</i>><i> parameters, the above sequence repeats but what I see is that when
</i>><i> sparse drivers are called with ipopt, the memory usage steeps up and
</i>><i> hence evaluation time is higher, even though the problem dimensions
</i>><i> are the same. I am not sure why this might be happening. Either some
</i>><i> memory is not deallocating properly in each call or something. Any
</i>><i> ideas on this would be highly appreciated.
</i>><i> Addendum to my previous email. I compiled ADOLC with debugging enabled
</i>><i> and ran my code with valgrind. Among the huge chunk of output, here is
</i>><i> something that caught my attention (See below)
</i>><i> The number in front of operation 0 seems to keep on shooting high after
</i>><i> every function call. I am not sure what this number means.
</i>><i> Thanks,
In case this is a memory leak the valgrind output should show leak
records. Please send the whole valgrind log.
(use the following valgrind options:
--track-origins=yes ) <-- this one is not available on some valgrind
versions. If yours does not support this please remove this. Then send
us the filename.txt (or whatever you called it).